Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Evaluation - How did you use new media technologies?

The first piece of software I used for my minor task was the internet to search for examples of magazine advertisements. I did this via Google, I have already used Google so this was simple for me to use. Once I had found some examples of music magazine advertisements, I could start planning for my minor task. I needed to keep a note of everything I did within this project, so what I did was I set up a blog. I did this by create one on ‘Blogger’; I had never used blogger before so firstly I had to register for one. Once I had done this I kept a note of exactly what I had done with both my minor and major tasks, I learnt also that I could upload picture onto my blog.
For my minor task I used a couple of software. I started with ‘InDesign’ which I have already used in my AS media coursework. Before I could use this software I needed to upload the pictures I took of Charlotte – the lead singer of the band, onto the computer. Once I had done this I then edited this picture in ‘Paintshop Pro’. I already knew how to use most of the tools within this software but their were a few icons that I did not know how to use.
The rotate tool was one that I did not know how to use, so I used the rotating tool on the record label in the bottom right hand corner.
For my major task I used Movie Plus 5 which I had never used before. Within this software I learnt how to upload all my filming onto the program and then I learnt how to place the song over the top of my filming.
I also learnt how to fade each scene into the next by dragging on scene into the next. This allowed my music video to flow. I also learnt how to upload pictures into my film to make my video more interesting. I also learnt how to speed up parts of the video and this was used in the instrumental bit.

Evaluation - What have you learnt from audience feedback?

I first asked for some feedback on my minor task, I asked people within my class. The feedback I received was very helpful; the person I asked guided me in ways in which I could make my magazine advertisement better. The first suggestion was to change the colour of my title. This helped me a lot as the title originally did not stand out as it was not a very bold colour but I feel now that I have changed the colour, it is more striking to the viewers eye. The second piece of feedback I received for my magazine advertisement was that the picture which was the main feature was very striking and that they liked the way I edited it. I edited it by changing the colour of Charlotte eyes from a dark green colour to a piercing blue colour. I then sharpened the image to make it a better quality. This was good feedback as my aim was to make the picture draw the viewer’s eyes to the advertisement and by editing the picture I believe I have achieved this. I then received feedback on my major task (music video) from one of my media teachers. She suggested that the change between each scene was a little bit too choppy. Even though I had faded each scene into the next already, by receiving this feedback I learnt I had to fade the scenes a bit more to make sure the video flowed. The last piece if feedback I received was from another media student. He suggested that maybe at the end of the video I should produce a slide showing the record label my band is with. I produced this record label before for my minor task and it is featured in my magazine advertisement so I think this was a good idea to do as it links the two tasks together. It also helped to inform the viewer about the record label.

Evalution - How effective is your combination of main and ancillary texts?

My design choice for my minor task (magazine advertisement) connects effectively with my major task (music video) by selecting the key vocalist to be the main feature of the press advertisement. I chose to only have the lead singer as the main picture, as she is the lead singer of the group and she sings the most in the music video. I wanted the picture to show emotion reflecting the tone of the song. I think this has worked well as it links the two tasks together nicely. The DVD cover reflects the outdoor element of the music video, by featuring a tree, another symbol of ‘surviving’. The DVD cover is also featured in the advertisement, so it is a visual reminder to the consumer wanting to purchase the product. I included this on my advertisement so that it had a sense of continuity between the two minor tasks. Overall I think the two minor tasks link well with the music video as the whole theme is based on outside and the sense of being free and surviving.

Evaluation - How have you used, developed or challenged forms and conventions of real media?

The style I have used in my music video for an old classic, ‘I Will Survive’ uses a retrospective style more in keeping with the era during which that track would have first been launched. With music videos only having just begun artists experimented with simple concept but in unusual settings. This is where my idea for my video started, which lead me to choose a conventional style for that time. My video challenges the conventions of real media products today as the style I used is similar to those created when music videos begun. The scenario I have used is an outdoor environment as apposed to the more conventional current style of filming inside, for example in a night club. Overall, my music video reflects that period of time.

My focus group

My focus for my group magazine advertisement and music video is 14 - 21 year olds.
I think my focus group will be this age range as the girls in my music video are 17 -18 year olds.
My audience will also be for both female and male.

Feedback from other media students

I firstly asked for feedback for my minor task - Magazine advertisement.

I asked Alec, Hannah and Katy:

  1. Do you think the layout of the advertisement is clear enough?

Finishing off the music video

I had then fitted in the scenes to the music and uploaded the pictures into the video. The last thing to do was at the beginning of the video i inserted a blank scene so I could put writing on it. I put 'I Will Survive' on it to inform the viewers what song they were about to view.
Then the last thing to do was to produce two more blank scenes at the end of the video, the first one had 'Starring Charlotte Dobson, Caroline Gardner and Kate Ford.' To inform the viewers who was starring in the video.
The next slide mentioned mine and beths name and finally the last slide had the record label i produced in Paintshop Pro.. This is to inform the viewers who what record label produced this.